WAYVES, an avant-garde endeavor, transcends conventional musical confines, embarking on an expedition through uncharted sonic territories. Its compositions resonate with the human experience, blending raw emotions, existential uncertainties, and the subtle interconnectedness of reality.

Serving as a conduit for introspection, WAYVES invites listeners to explore the depths of consciousness, immersed in the ineffable beauty of resonating frequencies. In the realm of noise and drone, WAYVES navigates complex musical landscapes, harmonizing dissonance with beauty.

The fusion of experimental IDM grooves with ancient world music traditions, alongside electronic elements and primal timbres, creates an immersive sonic journey.

Through his musical sets, WAYVES orchestrates an ecstatic dance experience, seamlessly shifting the audience's focus between the physical, emotional, and spiritual realms, transcending traditional concert boundaries.

WAYVES music is available on
iTunes, Spotify, BeatportBandcamp

karachinsky@me.com / +91 8007339221

Technical rider


WAYVES music is available on
Bandcamp, Spotify, iTunes

karachinsky@me.com / +91 8007339221